Knox County Pomona Grange



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The Knox County Pomona Grange met for our annual Christmas Dinner at the Ohio State Grange on Village Parkway in Fredericktown. We met on Tuesday, Dec. 14, with dinner started at 6:15 p.m. The dinner was catered by Lannings Meats, Mount Vernon. A total of 20 adults and two children were present, but only 18 stayed for dinner.

Deb Hamilton surprised everyone with a grab bag. Everyone's name was entered into a drawing with all participants getting a bag. Once that happened, all had to change with the person to their right, and that was the bag they ended up with.

President/Master Sue Roy of the Ohio State Grange gave an update on what is happening with the tariffs on steel and aluminum, making it hard on American factories to get their products. The Ohio State Grange is writing Congress to support reducing the high tariffs.

Everyone played bingo, with no winner the first round, and Deb Hamilton won the second round. The third round was won by JoAnn Walton.

County Deputy Cindy Campbell had cards to be signed by all for the following members: Janet White, Elaine Hillier, Mary Jordan, Josh Morey, Brian Wynkoop and Mary Beutel. All need our thoughts and prayers that they are able to enjoy this holiday season.

Dartball League is starting the first of January. Middlebury hosted a practice at Robert Payne's home, but will be using Wayne Grange hall for league play.

Ohio State Grange is hosting the Youth Camp in January. The youth will be traveling to Cleveland and seeing the aquarium and hopefully the arcade. It will be the weekend just before Martin Luther King holiday.

Mary Jewell announced that the dictionaries have been ordered for Pleasant Street Elementary third-graders. Jewell hopes they get here before the Christmas break at school.

Dee Smith read a letter from the Ohio State Grange Family Activity directors about helping to make a Reading Room quilt. Sounds interesting with toilet paper, magazines and other items to be used on it.

Next meeting will be Jan. 17 at Monroe-Dan Emmett Grange. It will start at 7 p.m. and will have take home refreshments.

Margaret Ann Ruhl, reporter