Bids for Leasing Farm Land at the Knox County Airport

Legal Notice




Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the Airport Manager of the Knox County Airport, until 12:00 noon on December 1, 2021. for leasing for farm purposes those portions of the following described real estate belonging to the Knox County Airport, which are designated on a map which is open for inspection in the office of the Airport Manager. Said land being approximately 150 tillable acres more or less, of Farmland situated in the Township of Miller of Knox County of Mt. Vernon, State of Ohio. Portions are to be leased for cash rent to the highest and best bidder for a period of five (5) crop years, beginning on or about January 1, 2022 and terminating December 31, 2026.

Bidders are required to use forms prepared by the Airport Authority. These forms will be furnished by the Airport Authority upon application in the Airport Manager’s office, 6481 Kinney Road, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Bids must be filed in sealed envelopes and plainly marked: “BIDS FOR LEASING FARM LAND AT THE KNOX COUNTY AIRPORT.”

The Right is reserved by the Airport Authority to reject any/or all bids.

Josh Wynn

Airport Manager