Mother Hubbard's Cupboard: An interview with Patricia Hampton Pennell


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People load items from Mother Hubbard's Cupboard into a van. | Patricia Hampton Pennell

Question: Can you tell me more about your business?

Answer: I am a nonprofit, one-person organization. I take in things that people would take to Goodwill: clothes, shoes, handbags, furniture, stuff like that. Anything you would take to Goodwill, I take it and give it back to the community for free. There's never any paperwork to fill out and there's no questions about whether or not they are truly in need. 

Question: What is your favorite thing about running your organization?

Answer: My favorite thing about doing what I'm doing is all the people I meet. 

Question: When did you start?

Answer: I started four years ago this month in a little black toolbox that I sat in the alley behind Howard Hilton Bar in Howard. I put a sign there that said take what you need and replace what you can.

Question: Do you have any special events coming up?

Answer: I will be partnering with area churches in Mount Vernon next Saturday for a Trunk-or-Treat at Riverside Park from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. I will be passing out candy, coats, hats and gloves to those that need them. 

Mother Hubbard's Cupboard

Patricia Hampton Pennell, owner

23940 Millwood Road; Howard, Ohio


Monday-Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.