Fredericktown preps for street projects

FREDERICKTOWN — The village of Fredericktown is moving ahead with some of its projects.

Village Administrator Bruce Snell said Wednesday the village is preparing for its paving project and starting the engineering portion of the downtown street improvement project.

The street paving project will be completed by DuraSeal and will include the milling and paving of Sixth Street, Chestnut Street and Carol Drive. An earlier proposal to include a parking lot or two will not be completed because that money comes out of the general fund.

“The funding mostly comes from the license tax and gas tax money from last year, so the money is already there,” Snell said. “We’re not sure what we’ll be able to do next year until we see the money from this year.”

Snell said they have been in touch with the contractor, but no date has been set yet for the paving to begin.

The engineer is doing preliminary surveying around town for the downtown streetscape project. That project is expected to begin in 2023.

Snell also reported village officials approached the Knox County Commissioners about possible Community Development Block Grant money for the senior citizens building on the square. The 35-year-old heating and cooling system require repair and Snell said they are looking at CDBG funds to replace the air conditioning and furnace units. The approximately $13,000 funding needed will be decided in May.

The village recently took delivery of a new 2020 Chevrolet pickup and will look to sell the 1999 Dodge, which the Chevy is replacing, soon.

Snell said officials are also looking into the possibility of using Zoom for its next council meeting.
