How should the county address flood-prone areas?

“That is a difficult question. They obviously mark what they are but what they really need to do is, and they have limited funds, but try to put in more draining. I think they do a really good job and I think people just need to be aware and slow down”

Angela Fulton, Mount Vernon

“I would say call in the agriculture engineers. They’re experts at it. Find out what the problem is and go from there”

John Robison, Danville

“I’m nowhere around that, it usually doesn’t flood that much”

Steve Cline, Mount Vernon

“I really don’t know. If you don’t live in that area, you’re not one of them that’s going to be affected. You move there at your own risk. It’s a hard choice. There are some things in our world that we should, as a community, take care of. Some choices you can’t take care of”

Tim Peoples, Mount Vernon

“I have no clue. I think when it floods, it’s pretty much a nature thing that takes over. I don’t know what we can do about it. Maybe making bigger ditches, wider, deeper maybe”

Allen Perone, Mount Vernon

“Bring in professionals to access the land and give us a professionally, scientific solution for it”

Tina Corrigan, Mount Vernon