Street sweeper still out; catch basin repairs continue

MOUNT VERNON — The city’s street sweeper will be out of commission at least a couple more weeks. Street Superintendent Tom Hinkle said he was notified this week that the hydraulic coupler that the firm repairing the sweeper thought they could rebuild will have to be replaced instead.

He said that will bring the expected repair cost to about $11,500.

A new sweeper, which also cleans out catch basins, would cost in the neighborhood of $300,000.

Hinkle said he is also waiting for estimates on the work needed at the intersection of Marita Drive and Teryl Drive, where two 18-inch storm tiles across the intersection have to be replaced, another catch basin rebuilt and a new catch basin installed on the east leg of Marita.

Catch basin repairs or rebuilds took up a lot of the department’s efforts this week, including work at 34 Eastmore Street, two locations in the 600 block of North Sandusky Street, one at West Street and West Burgess Street and preparation for curb and gutter replacement at a catch basin on Upland Terrace which was repaired last week. The department was able to spend three days patching potholes, using 11 tons of asphalt.

“We finished the main streets and started on residential streets in the south end between Newark Road and South Main Street,” Hinkle said. “When we finish that we’ll move on to the next area.”

Three Street employees attended Work Zone Safety training.


A large crowd attended the Harmony Playground dedication Thursday, Superintendent Dave Carpenter reported. He said the seams in the walking surface were all glued and some other repairs completed before the ribbon cutting took place and the left over topsoil moved. A minor repair of one “whirl” will be completed soon.

Wade and Gatton Nursery has one tree left to plant, then final grading and seeding will take place.

Mayor Richard Mavis said the city will be looking into the feasibility of installing a new restroom closer to the playground. They need to determine the location of sewer lines in the area.

The sign for Phillips Park honoring fallen soldier Ryan Martin was installed Thursday. The dedication will take place about 2 p.m. today during the Little League opening ceremonies.

The Hiawatha Park pool bottoms and lane marker painting was completed this week and the pools will be ready to start filling Wednesday.

The concrete block needed for the pool pump room addition was received Thursday and the contractor will begin laying the block as soon as weather permits.

The Arbor Day celebration was held at the Knox County Career Center Children’s Garden Friday morning where two Seven-Sons trees were planted. The trees flower in the fall and are refuges for migrating monarch butterflies.

Mowing and trimming are underway at the parks and cemetery and delivery of a new tractor and mower is expected early in the week.


A six-inch water line broke on Mansfield Avenue abut 1 a.m. Tuesday. A boil advisory was issued.

A fire hydrant on Coshocton Avenue east of Upper Gilchrist Road was struck by a car and broken off. The driver’s insurance will pay for the repair.

Utilities Director Mathias Orndorf said the hydrant will be replaced as soon as the ground dries out enough to get to the hydrant.

Orndorf said the process of installing antennas for the new radio read system for reading water meters has started. He said about 57 percent (3,200) of the city’s meters are ready to go. Testing will start as soon as the software is in place and ready. He said the system, which will give the city accurate, monthly readings of water meters, will be up and running within about six months.
