MOUNT VERNON — The Knox County Career Center Board of Education met February 21 for its monthly meeting.
Building Trades instructor Colby Clippinger gave a presentation, as did Career Based Intervention teachers Bob Geiger, Ed Lambert and Liz Clark.
The board retroactively approved two resignations from the Knox Technical Center. Welding instructor Mike Hudyk and nursing instructor Sheri Brenneman resigned Jan. 18 and Feb. 8, respectively. The board approved a third resignation from KTC Nursing and Medical Programs Coordinator Amy Main, effective March 1.
Grant Smith was approved as a part-time welding instruction for KTC through June 2019. The board also accepted Amy Rhoades as an adult diploma program instructor through the remainder of the school year. An addendum approved by the board installed Mark McCann as a part-time public safety instructor at KTC.
The board also accepted a donation of $150 from the Knox County Pork Council to the culinary program.