Chamber of commerce graduates Leadership Knox Class of 2020


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Leadership Knox graduates the Class of 2020 in August. | Facebook/KnoxCountyOHChamberofCommerce

The Knox County Chamber of Commerce will hold a graduation ceremony on Thursday, Aug. 6, for members of the Leadership Knox Class of 2020.

The ceremony is open to class members, their guest and sponsors, and alumni of the program; but reservations are necessary in order to attend.

Leadership Knox "is designed to identify, nurture and promote future and existing leaders in Knox County," the chamber said in a release issued on its website. The program helps participants understand key issues affecting the county and sharpens skills which can help resolve those issues.

A high school diploma and "a commitment and motivation to serve Knox County through committee and board service" are among the acceptance requirements, the chamber said in the program's Leadership Knox Brochure. The program starts with a one-day retreat followed by nine monthly training sessions. After completion, graduates serve at least one year as ambassadors for the Knox Chamber to "broaden their exposure to business and community interaction and inspire volunteerism to future leadership roles."