Mount Vernon
Mount Vernon, MN 55910
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Trapshooting in Knox County area available for all ages, skill sets
Jul 27, 2022
Trapshooting is a sport that has roots going back to 18th century England and it is still popular to this day, and there are ample opportunities in the Knox County area to shoot.
Junior League Week 5 recap: 17 golfers advance levels
Jul 6, 2022
Mount Vernon Junior League golf action and instruction completed its fifth week at the Vernon View Golf Course, 901 Beech St. in Mount Vernon, with Grayson Workman firing a group-low score of 29 to lead 17 advancing golfers in links action.
Junior League Golf Week 4 recap: 9 golfers advance levels
Jul 2, 2022
Mount Vernon Junior League golf action and instruction completed its fourth week, and as with the previous three sessions, the young student-golfers continued their progress and fired some blazing scores, with nine golfers advancing to the next levels, led by Griffin Beach, Cooper Lowe and Colin Fox.
Local golfer TT Crouch will instruct teens for Junior League
Apr 21, 2022
The Mount Vernon Junior League is offering golf instruction for teenagers from local golfer and PGA Tour Canada Champion TT Crouch, at the Mount Vernon View Golf Course, from June 2 through July 21.