Fredericktown Garden Club members 'make a difference' at flower show

Health & Wellness

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Terri Green (left), Nature Lovers Garden Club, winner of Artistic Best of Show, “Volunteer Your Time,” an all-green design. Julie Divelbiss (right), accredited Ohio Association on Garden Clubs judge, North Liberty Garden Club | Jo Ann Graham

Fredericktown Garden Club members and residents of the Fredericktown School District recently participated in a flower show entitled “Making A Difference.”

Artistic classes included “Help Others,” a design showing water; “Show Kindness,” a one-sided mass design; “Practice Gratitude,” a creative design of own interpretation; “Share Happiness,” a miniature design not to exceed five inches in all directions and “Volunteer Your Time,” an all-green design.

Best of Show in artistic designs was Terri Green, Nature Lovers Garden Club. Her design, “Volunteer Your Time,” was an all-green arrangement featuring a large head of cabbage, broccoli, collard greens, kale, onions, jalapeno peppers, Brussel sprouts, basil, and sage.

The horticulture classes of the show included classes for roses, chrysanthemums, dahlias, zinnias marigolds, petunias, hosta, coleus, hydrangea, sunflowers, sedum, ground covers, grasses, any other annual, any other perennial, and herbs.

Best of Show in horticulture was Joan Stout, Nature Lovers Garden Club, for a coleus stem.

The show was judged by Julie Divelbiss, an accredited Ohio Association judge, from Butler, North Liberty Garden Club.