The Mount Vernon City Council has sanctioned a sum of $176,210 for professional services to facilitate the installation of replacement equipment. This equipment will monitor and control the treatment process at the city's water plant.
According to the minutes from its March 25 meeting, the council approved the procurement of professional services from GrayMatter Systems, based in Warrendale, Pennsylvania. The motion to move the resolution straight from its second reading on Monday night to its final reading was proposed by Councilmember John Ruckman. The motion was approved and subsequently, the vote to sanction the purchase was unanimous.
GrayMatter's bid for the project included provisions for project management, travel time, and travel expenses, as per the agenda from the city council's March 25 meeting. The contract pertains specifically to installation and updates.
As per details from the March 25 meeting agenda, no software or hardware will be provided by GrayMatter. Instead, Mount Vernon or any subcontractors it selects will manage any replacement wiring, terminations, or panel wiring required. Network hardware will be supplied by the city and radio installation will be executed by either the city or its subcontractors. This also applies to communications cables and adapters. All equipment will be provided by the city.