After soaked August, Knox County September rainfall plummets to record low


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John Barker | OSU Extension Knox County

Rainfall in Knox County through September 15 was just 0.03 of an inch, 3.27 inches lower than the monthly average.

That’s according to John Barker of the OSU Extension for Knox County.

In his weekly “Field Observations” newsletter, Barker published a table that showed average monthly rainfall for Knox County versus the actual totals this year. 2023 year-to-date, rainfall is up 11.55 inches through Sept. 15. 

But the month of September has been mostly rain-free, according to Barker’s analysis. August rainfall was 7.68 inches in Knox County– more than twice the county average.

March and April were also similarly twice as rainy here, as is typical.

Barker is an educator in Agriculture and Natural Resources with OSU Extension. His office is at 160 Columbus Road in Mount Vernon.