Protect children from dehydration in the summer heat

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Summer is in full swing, and kids are playing outside or preparing for fall sports as the temperatures rise, increasing their risk of dehydration.

Dr. Gary Grosel, Chief Medical Officer for UnitedHealthcare of Ohio, says hydration is particularly important for children, who have higher water requirements than adults. Their cooling system isn’t fully developed, and because the surface area of a child is smaller and sweat glands aren’t fully developed, it’s much harder for the child’s body to cool itself.Dr. Grosel recommends these tips for keeping kids hydrated this summer:

  • Gulps per 15 minutes: For every 15 minutes of outdoor activity, drink about four ounces of water. This is approximately four gulps.
  • Increase hydration with popsicles, smoothies or yogurt: A great way to increase hydration in children is to make homemade popsicles with real fruit. Or mix up a fresh fruit smoothie made with coconut water, milk or milk substitute, or yogurt.
  • Fruit, pretzels and goldfish: Every 30 to 45 minutes, give the child a small snack with salt and potassium to help protect against electrolyte loss and promote hydration. Pretzels, goldfish crackers or a cheese stick with some oranges, a banana or strawberries are good options.
  • Skip the sugary drinks: Avoid sugary sodas and sports drinks, which were developed with an adult’s body in mind. Carbonated water mixed with fruit juice is a great alternative to soda. Use pieces of frozen fruit as ice cubes in water or seltzer water.
  • Remember, small infants who are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding formula should not be given water. Breastfeeding mothers need to drink adequate fluids to ensure good hydration for breast milk production. Do not over bundle infants or allow them to be exposed to extreme heat. Keep track of wet diapers and contact your provider if you have concerns.