What you are saying Aug. 5: “What do you think of the ballot measure raising the bar to pass a constitutional amendment?”


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Voters will vote on Issue 1 on Aug. 8. The ballot measure raises the bar to 60% to pass a constitutional amendment. What do you think of this?

Jack McKinley



"I'm definitely in favor of passing Issue 1 to require more counties to vote for it in higher percentage to pass a constitutional change in Ohio. Due to the fact also that there's been so many constitutional changes in the past that we need to make it harder to change something permanently like that, make everybody consider what's going on first. And I think it will also help keep the outside interests from coming in and just spending a $1-2 million and changing people to vote for certain hot topic button issues."

Susan McKinley



"I am voting yes and support Issue 1. I think all of Ohio's 88 counties should get a say in changes to the Constitution and I also support an increased percentage across Ohio to 60% to get something changed.

It shouldn't be easier. It should be harder to change the Ohio Constitution.

I'm also in agreement with the groups that do support issue one like Ohio farm bureau U.S. senator J.D. Vance, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce.

And I found it interesting that the groups that oppose issue one some of the groups that opposes Issue 1 require 60% both of their membership to change their groups by laws yet. They oppose requiring the standard for our own Ohio Constitution, which seems kind of ludicrous to me."

David Kolbe



"This not only does away with the majority, it makes it more difficult for legislative initiatives of repeal. Any time the majority doesn't rule, it's not right."

Jason Rogers



"Issue 1, we are for because we believe that the Constitution should take a supermajority. Our Constitution has been changed over 170 times since its final document was approved. And. Yes, a simple majority should not be able to change a constitution of any sort."

Judy Jones

Mount Vernon

"No on Issue 1!!"