Gov. Mike DeWine proclaims March 19-25 as Ohio Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week

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As spring weather approaches, Ohio residents are encouraged to participate in Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week to prepare for hazardous spring and summer weather and home emergencies.

According to a press release, the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness (OCSWA), the Ohio Emergency Management Agency, the National Weather Service, and Gov. Mike DeWine have proclaimed March 19-25 as Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week.

“Severe weather can impact Ohio at any time of year, so it’s important that residents are prepared for the possibility of a weather emergency,” Gov. DeWine said, according to the press release. “Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week allows Ohioans to learn more about severe weather and be prepared before, during, and after a storm.

On Wednesday, March 22, at 9:50 a.m., a statewide tornado drill will be held, allowing residents, businesses, schools, and households to practice their tornado drills and emergency and shelter plans. In addition, Ohio counties may use this time to sound and test outdoor warning sirens and mass notification systems. 

“Ohio’s weather can often be unpredictable, especially in the spring when temperatures fluctuate between warm and cold, which can be a recipe for severe weather or even tornadoes,” said Ohio Emergency Management Agency Executive Director Sima Merick. “We encourage all Ohioans to make or review an existing emergency plan and be prepared.”

Visitors can follow OCSWA on Facebook and Twitter during Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week for additional severe weather awareness safety and preparedness information.

Safety & Preparedness Tips

Know the Terms:

Tornado Watch - Be Prepared: When conditions are favorable for developing tornadoes. Be ready to move to a place of safety if the watch is upgraded to a warning or if threatening weather approaches.

Tornado Warning - Take Action: When a tornado is imminent or has been sighted. Warnings indicate impending danger to life and property. Seek safe shelter immediately.

Prepare for Severe Weather and Home Emergencies: Build a kit and make a plan. This includes having a severe weather kit for your home and vehicle and creating an emergency plan/or updating your existing plan.

Be Aware of Hazards in Your Area: Ohio’s weather hazards from early spring into summer include snowmelt and flooding, tornadoes, and thunderstorms. Visit the OCSWA website to learn more about severe weather safety and preparedness.

Prepare for a Flood: Learn and practice evacuation routes, shelter plans, and flash flood response. Gather supplies, including non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies, and water for several days, in case you must leave immediately or if services are cut off in your area.

Flooded Roadways: Never attempt to cross a flooded road on foot or in a vehicle. It only takes six inches of water to knock an adult off their feet, one foot of moving water can float a car, and two feet of water can carry away most vehicles, including pickup trucks and SUVs. So don’t chance it; find an alternative route! Turn Around Don’t Drown®. 

Outdoor Warning Sirens: Many Ohio counties have outdoor warning sirens that sound when severe weather is imminent. Outdoor warning sirens are designed to be heard outdoors.

Alerts and Notifications: Getting weather and emergency information from trusted sources is essential. Have multiple means of receiving communications and always get your information from reliable sources such as the National Weather Service, local broadcast radio and television stations, and phone apps from trusted agencies. Other significant sources for communications are the Emergency Alert System (EAS), messages sent over television and radio channels; Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), free notifications delivered to mobile devices as part of a public safety system; and a NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio.