Knox County Pomona Grange


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Facebook/Benjamin Davies

The Knox County Pomona Grange met on Monday, Jan. 16, at Monroe-Dan Emmett Grange. We had a soup supper/potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Master Lonnie Totten called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with 25 members, four guests and one child present. The new Ohio State Grange Master Mike Russell and his wife, Debbie, were present and liked seeing all the grangers and meeting some new ones. New State Grange Executive Committeeman Kevin Evans was also present, but he is a member with only comments that he was glad to be there to enjoy the soups. Master Totten inducted a new member from Monroe-Dan Emmett Grange being Destiny Wade.

Legislative Chairperson Sue Roy announced that Margaret Ann Ruhl and her were starting back on our podcasts. It is the Buckeye Patrons Pulse Podcast and we talked about the past Saturday, Jan. 14, health tests being offered at Walmart, the National Grange Heirloom project, watch out for scams and Granger Spotlights.

Family Activities Chairperson Mary Jewell reminded everyone that the baking contest will be judged in March for the county and that the subordinate granges need to get their own baking contests judged. Jewell wants the total number of entries per grange as well as having the winners enter the County judging. Also a reminder to be working on your crafts and quilt blocks for this coming summer.

Youth Chairperson Bruce Roy had no report. Junior Chairperson Mary Jewell had no report. Deaf Chairperson Janet White had no report. Community Service Chairperson Sue Roy reminded us that today was Martin Luther King Jr. day. We should be asking ourselves if we are doing enough in our county and granges to honor his legacy. Roy also said that she had moved her mother to an assisted living apartment and that she had some box food to give to the needy. We all should remember to give to the needy in ways of food or donations.

County Deputy Cindy Campbell announced that the January/February Grange Magazine was out and online for you to read. Also to mark your calendars for March 4 for the State Offices of Lecturer and Community Services, which will have a statewide meeting at the Ohio State Grange. You need to get your registration mailed or dropped off at the Ohio State Grange Office. Again, Campbell told that the baking contest will be in March at Morgan Grange.

Master Lonnie Totten asked all that we will be working on a chorus again for the talent contest. Any and all who want to be in it should let Totten know. 

No Old Business, but New Business was a request to purchase the trophies for the county dartball tournament. The county tournament will be March 25 at Morgan Grange. Lecturer Willis Smith had the program, which consisted of naming the two U.S. presidents who were grange members. They were presidents Roosevelt and Eisenhower. Bingo was to be played after the meeting.

Knox County Pomona Grange will meet next month at Wayne Grange. It will be Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. There will be light refreshments after the meeting.