City announces street sweeping schedule


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The City of Mount Vernon has announced is street sweeping schedule for the week of April 4. | Pixabay

MOUNT VERNON – The following is a list of city streets to be swept. The Street Department is asking for cooperation from residents in having their automobiles moved on the day their street is scheduled for sweeping. Next week’s schedule is as follows: 

NOTE: This schedule is subject to change or cancellation. 

Monday, April 4 – Mulberry Street, Belmont Avenue to Chestnut Street; North Main Street, Warden to Chestnut.

Tuesday, April 5 – Burgess Street, Sandusky Street to East Dead End; Pleasant Street, Sandusky Street to Gay Street; Lamartine Street, McKenzie Street to Alley West of Mulberry Street.

Wednesday, April 6 – Curtis Street, Mulberry Street to McKenzie Street; Elizabeth Street; Mansfield Avenue, 5 Point to Sunset Street; Prospect Street and Prospect Street Extension.

Thursday, April 7 – North Gay Street, Warden Street to Chestnut Street; South Main Street, Phillips Drive to Newark/Martinsburg Split.

Friday, April 8 – Downtown early a.m.