Community Calendar


Webp calendar 01


Knox Public Health has posted a notice on vaccine availability that will be updated regularly as conditions change. Anyone 5 and older is eligible for the Pfizer vaccine; third-dose Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations, along with booster shots which are a smaller dose, and second dose Johnson & Johnson are all available currently. "All three of the vaccines offered by KPH can be intermingled, i.e. someone can get first and second doses of Moderna and a booster shot from Pfizer," according to a press release from Knox Public Health. Visit to check eligibility and available sites. For more information about COVID-19 vaccination in Knox County, call 740-399-8008.


WHEN: Ongoing

SNAP-Ed is now providing virtual programming to eligible audiences. Knox County SNAP-Ed staff member Tanner Cooper-Risser will be providing a virtual series called "Eating for the Health of it" with Opportunity Knox. Cooper-Risser will be discussing tips on making healthy food choices and ways to save money while still following a healthy lifestyle. Interested in joining or want to schedule a virtual program for your agency? Contact Tanner at or 740-326-5074 for more information.

WHERE: Online

WHEN: Thursdays, 9 a.m.

Thursday, March 17

Public meeting of Kokosing Chapter Archaeological Society of Ohio. Fred Groseclose and Fred Altizer – Kokosing Chapter past and current presidents, long-time surface hunters, collectors of Indian artifacts – will speak on the topic of examining and identifying members' artifacts.

WHERE: Cafeteria of the Knox County Career Center, 306 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon

WHEN: 7:30 p.m.

Friday, March 18

Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District Board of Directors meeting 

WHERE: Kent State University Tuscarawas, 330 University Drive NE, New Philadelphia

WHEN: 9 a.m.