Letters to the Editor, 10.31.20

Letter to the Editor

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Letters to the editor. | Stock photo

Law and Order

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to the letter from the Knox County Democrat chairperson. Her final statement that the Democratic Party believes in law and order absolutely floored me. Was she blatantly, knowingly lying or just so naive that she doesn't see reality.

Reality shows that Democratic New York was wholesale releasing convicted criminals from prison before COVID ever hit and that the crime rate was skyrocketing. Emptying prisons was a Democrat platform and COVID helped reason away their preplanned agenda.

The Democrats totally supported the violent riots and failed to protect their own citizens whom they were elected to protect. The violent riots murdered innocent people, burned homes, buildings and huge portions of cities and the Democratic mayors of these cities turned a blind eye and refused to stop the mayhem. Portland over 100 days of continuous murder, rape, arson, assault and intimidation and the Democratic mayor did nothing. Look at Seattle, 2 cities in Wisconsin and on and on, all with Democratic mayors. In Congress they tried to pass a declaration condemning the violence and the Democrats not only refused to condemn the out of control violence but marched in mass out of the room!! No law or order. During all of this they continued their agenda of emptying prisons supposedly under the banner of COVID but remember this was already an agenda before COVID. Last week a group of OSU radical left wing professors wrote a letter demanding that prisons be emptied within a day of an OSU student being murdered by a brutal multi-felon criminal who wasn't supposed to even be out of jail. These radical far left wing professors wanted that murderer loose as well. No law, no order.

Next, law and order Democrats began demanding and pushing for defunding police! Release criminals and take away police. When the blinders were being removed from innocent citizens as to the true Democratic agenda they sent messages via internet media to only their Democratic supporters telling them to cease using the words "defund police" because people were getting upset about that and would hurt their reelections. But defunding the police remains on their agenda.

Democrats have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that they do not stand for law and order but support chaos and a dangerous world for the citizens they represent.

Louise Heffner

Mount Vernon

Donald Trump

To the Editor:

I respond to the letter from Jill Grubb, you are right Jill, Donald Trump is not a good leader, he's a fantastic leader! The absolute best of my 83 years. No other president could have accomplished what Donald Trump has done in 3 1/2 years. 

I am not going through the whole litany of what he has done because it would not change your mind one bit!

I think I understand some of the reasons why you think as you do, and I have tried to see things from your point of view, but I just can't get my head up my rear end that far!

Dick Porter

Mount Vernon

The American People

To the Editor:

I have heard a great many upsetting things lately. One came in a conversation I had with a gentleman in Mount Vernon who asked me what party I belonged to. I do not like to tell people my religion or party. Both are private concerns. Still, he wanted an answer so I said I stood with the American people. Without a moment of hesitation he shot back that I must be a Democrat and walked away in disgust (he told me he was a Republican earlier). That conversation shook me. I thought that standing for all Americans, regardless of race or creed, made someone an American. I thought that, regardless of party affiliations, we wanted what was best for the country and all of its citizens. We might disagree about how to achieve that aim but we started in the same place, a love of America and Americans. Now I know this man did not speak for all Republicans, though his friends cheered him on. But he did not come up with that view by himself. There are politicians out there who are quick to gin up divisions and hatred, defining an American as someone who shares their views and prejudices. The country has no future if we follow that path.

The other distressing thing I heard was someone saying that I should vote for the party of God. They were referring to the Republicans but the party really does not matter. When I look for God I do not turn to a political party. Politics, at its best, is about putting together policies, often through compromises, that accomplish something good for a town, state, or the country. Politicians should be guided by their principles and act morally, but politics really is the realm of Cesar to whom we render our loyalty, not our souls. Linking God with party is a misuse of the Almighty and risks tainting religion with the thirst for power. That too is a way of dividing us, this time in the name of God. Opponents become sinners.

This election has been more divisive than most. Please, when casting your ballot, vote for a united America in which hatred for those with whom you disagree has no place and in which the good of all, regardless of race, gender, or creed, is uppermost.

Ed Schortman
