Major League Baseball

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Let's Talk Sports: Deadline trades: Rebuild or stand pat?
Mar 11, 2023
Let’s talk deadline trades. The NBA and NHL trading deadlines just passed. Was your team a buyer or a seller? Was your team all-in for this year or dedicated to the future?
Let's Talk Sports Deal or no deal? Prospects for stars?
Aug 13, 2022
Let’s talk deadline baseball trades. The Major League Baseball trade deadline recently passed and as usual, there was a flurry of action and non-action. Fans always want their teams to pull the trigger, make the deal for the headline player and go “all-in” for this season’s championship. When they don’t, fans complain and anger about the inaction.
Let's Talk Sports Rally caps for the win
Apr 14, 2022
Let’s talk rally caps. Baseball season is here … get out your rally caps. OK, they look dumb, but you can’t overlook anything that guarantees your team a win. Your team is down a couple of runs in the ninth. You need them to rally and their bats have been dead all game. How do you wake them up? A cheer? A dance? Banging a drum? Rally caps.