KCH makes progress on ER expansion project


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Ongoing and upcoming activities include installing structural steel, exterior framing and sheeting, interior framing, electric, plumbing, and drywall. | Knox Community Hospital

Knox Community Hospital (KCH) is in the process of breaking ground for the capital project to renovate and expand the ER – adding much-needed space for improved access, and maintaining comfort and privacy for its patients. 

Thus far, site demolition, underground utilities, concrete foundations, grade beams and support, underground electric and plumbing, and other miscellaneous demolition activities for new addition connections have been completed. 

Ongoing and upcoming activities include installing structural steel, exterior framing and sheeting, interior framing, electric, plumbing, and drywall. 

To support this project, the Foundation for KCH has launched a two-year capital campaign, “Growing the ER for a Growing Community,”  with a goal of raising $1 million. The Ariel Foundation has established a Matching Fund Program to challenge and inspire donors, matching gifts 1:1 up to $300,000.

To join or help with the project, please contact Alice Hutzel-Bateson at Alice.Hutzel-Bateson@KCH.org or 740.393.9085.

On Oct. 23, the Foundation for Knox Community Hospital will hold a 24-hour donation period specifically for the Emergency Room expansion. Giving will end at midnight.

Anyone who donates a minimum of $500 will be entered into a drawing for a $100-value Smithhislers Meat Package. Up to four winners will be chosen. Donors who give $2,000 or more will be listed on the wall in the ER once the project is complete. Nonprofit donations would be tax-deductible and Ariel Foundation will match gifts.