Knox County Foundation awards $578,000 in county-wide grants


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Knox County Foundation’s program director, Lisa Lloyd | Knox County Foundation

The Knox County Foundation is pleased to announce the approval of $578,000 in grants to 11 nonprofit projects throughout Knox County during its Aug. 14 board meeting. This funding cycle continues the Foundation’s commitment to supporting local organizations that positively impact the community.

In addition to these grants, the Knox County Foundation is excited to unveil a new partnership with the Richard and Arline Landers Foundation.

Grants awarded from the foundation’s competitive grant process:

·         The Foundation for Knox Community Hospital - Growing the ER for a Growing Community: $200,000

·         Ackerman Nature Preserve - Walkway (Phase Two): $125,000

·         Interchurch Social Services - Relocation of the Centerburg Branch: $100,0000

·         United Way - All Kids Bike Initiative: $18,000

·         Central Ohio Technical College - Knox Promise Program: $15,000

·         Knox County Career Center - Security Cameras for the Children's Garden: $7,500

·         Mount Vernon Nazarene University - 2025 Academic Summer Camp Scholarships: $5,000

·         Adaptive Sports Ohio - Everyone Plays Kits: $5,000

·         Fredericktown Forest Cemetery - New Signage: $2,500

In honor of Richard and Arline Landers’ deep ties to Knox County and their longstanding commitment to the community, the Richard I. and Arline J. Landers Foundation has partnered with the Knox County Foundation to administer grants in and for Knox County.

As of July 1, the Landers Foundation no longer accepts separate grant applications from organizations based in or primarily serving Knox County. Instead, the Landers Foundation will allocate an annual amount proportionate to their historical commitment to Knox County directly to the Knox County Foundation. These funds will be held in a separate fund by the Knox County Foundation, which will accept, evaluate, and award grants through its competitive grantmaking program.

This innovative partnership is designed to maximize the amount of charitable funding available to Knox County projects, enhance the impact of both Foundations’ grantmaking, and reduce the administrative burden on applicants.

Of the $578,000 awarded in this cycle, $100,000 came from the newly established Richard and Arline Landers Foundation Fund. The grants supported three projects in Knox County:

  • The Foundation for Knox Community Hospital - Growing the ER for a Growing Community: $60,000
  • Bladensburg Community Heritage Foundation - Project: Gym Floor Renovation: $30,000
  • Mount Vernon Nazarene University - IGNITE Living Lab and Lounge: $10,000
“Knox County Foundation remains dedicated to fostering growth and development in Knox County. Through these grants and its new partnership with the Richard and Arline Landers Foundation, the Foundation is poised to make an even greater impact in the years to come,” said Knox County Foundation’s program director, Lisa Lloyd.

For more information on the Foundation's grants and initiatives, please visit Knox County Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Knox County through charitable giving.