Morgan Grange

Sixteen members and one guest enjoyed a potluck dinner followed by musical entertainment of Christmas carols sung by Mary Miller prior to the regular monthly meeting, Dec. 9. Cindy Campbell presided over the meeting as roll call was taken and minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  

A Christmas card thank you note was received from the Utica Christmas Walk committee for our participation in the walk held Dec. 7. Cindy Campbell shared some highlights and some experiences from her trip to the National Grange Convention recently held in Reno, Nevada. Cindy competed in the National Grange Talent Contest during her stay at the conference. Six fruit baskets were prepared for distribution to local shut-ins and Christmas cards were signed by members to be sent to out of the area members. Financial Secretary Sue Bateman reminded members that dues are to be paid in January. Pomona Grange will meet at the Der Dutchman in Bellville on Monday, Dec. 19, at 6 p.m.

Members celebrating birthdays this month are Anna Chadwick, Leila Doup, Harriet Robison, Will Smith and Sam Williams. Anniversary couples are Ned and Cindy Campbell, and Mark and Harriet Robison.

Members played a game of Bingo and Ned Campbell had a winning card and won $100. Several other games were played for prizes, and Janet White and Tom Debolt each won a poinsettia, and Bonnie Kohl and Tom Debolt each won a chocolate bar. The next Bingo game will be worth $20. Morgan will meet again on Friday, Jan. 13, at 7:30 p.m.