Cook feted for 29 years with Farm Service Agency

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MOUNT VERNON — Greg Cook, a long-time and devoted employee of the Knox County Farm Service Agency, retired Wednesday.

He has received numerous accolades for his work, including a National Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award. He had a retirement party in his honor that recognized all of the service that he has done for the Knox County FSA and farmers of Knox County.

Cook isn’t a farmer himself, but he has impacted the lives of many farmers through the Knox County FSA. After humble beginnings as a part-time employee, Cook was able to earn himself a full-time job at the agency.

“I only helped a farmer in the beginning. I don’t actually farm myself, but I got interested in working with farmers,” said Cook. “I started out as a part-time field reporter. I did that for about six months and then the Knox County FSA offered me a full-time job. Before I knew it, 29 and a half years have flown by.”

The Knox County branch of the United States Department of Agriculture Ohio Farm Service Agency is essentially an agency that is tasked with aiding farmers through the process of signing up for Federal farm programs. Farmers who qualify can request loans through the office and can request many other services, including disaster relief.

“Basically what we do is administer a majority of the federal farm programs, like Price Support Loans where farmers can get Price Support Loans for their corn and soybeans,” said Cook. “Those are called Marketing Assistant Loans. We have Farm Storage Facility Loans that pays for things like grain bins, dryer units and other things to help with storage. We have certain disaster programs where we pay money if farmers meet certain criteria after a disaster; whether it be high winds or hail or anything like that.”

Cook has worn many different hats in terms of his service to the Knox County FSA. After his job as a field reporter for the agency, Cook became a CRP Technician, which oversees that specific federal program.

“I was the Conservation Reserve Program Technician and I handled that program for 23 years,” said Cook. “For that program people put their ground into a conservation program. It allows them to plant black grass or trees and they get paid for doing it. It creates a wildlife habitat that they can develop on their farm.”

Cook has been a part of a very productive Knox County FSA agency. He has played an integral part in getting Knox County farmers what they need in terms of federal funding.

“Locally here in Knox County we have had approximately $34 million put out to the Knox County farmers in the last five years alone,” said Katie Hill, the county executive director for the Knox County FSA.

Cook was an integral part of the team that has helped the farmers of Knox County receive this necessary federal funding. He will be missed by his co-workers and the farmers whose lives he helped change through his work.

“Greg amazes me every time I talk to him,” said Hill. “He is so upbeat. He is so professional. He is so courteous and tactful. When you look up in the dictionary the word ‘professionalism,’ he is the embodiment of that and of dedication and customer service. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to help me grow as a person. I’ve had the pleasure of the last 10 years working with him.”
