Letter to the Editor: Tom Waddell

Editor, the News

The article written by Joe Humbert is probably the most truthful written this year. It is a very truthful definition of the party, you know they should have been wearing masks years ago. I remember years ago– the Democratic Party was for the working person, now they stand for open borders, sanctuary cities, and riots.

Now instead of “Black Lives Matter” it’s no life matter, until their’s matter, until where they riot liberals all it is but nothing but big shopping day, first the pharmacies and then jewelry, then electronics. I heard a black lady on TV say “They are not stealing, its reparatation.”

You know everyone needs to start using what God gave us: “Common Sense.”

When you thought you were being bullied you should have done what they do in Wisconsin, go blow up a couple of car lots.

They gripe about only one black in Nascar, excuse me, but the NBA and NFL don’t seem to be overrun by cheats. I think the black man has more drive to achieve.

Police reform you can put that where the sun doesn’t shine. They’ve done nothing wrong I think we have a top-notch force. Hell just go up there and learn by a couple of cruisers.

Last, but not forgotten. Whoever is running this paper must have a single-digit IQ. Wedding pictures on the front page. What happened to Society Page. Where is the obituary going comic page?

One last thing if that’s the way you’re gonna cover court news quit wasting ink.

Tom Waddell

Mount Vernon