What is complex chronic care management at Knox Community Hospital?

Health & Wellness


Complex chronic care management identifies and treats symptoms that may be physical, emotional, spiritual or social. | Courtesy of Knox Community Hospital

Complex chronic care management, also known as palliative care, differs from hospice care and is available anytime during your illness. Remember that you can receive this type of care while treating your condition. Its availability is independent of whether or not a cure is viable. The goal is to make you as comfortable as possible and improve your quality of life.

You don’t have to be in hospice or at the end of life to receive complex chronic care; families can utilize these services from diagnosis until a patient is ready for hospice services.

Complex chronic care management identifies and treats symptoms that may be physical, emotional, spiritual or social. The program at Knox Community Hospital seeks to meet the individual needs of our patients, and the services offered will differ but may include the following:

  • Home visits to support you and your primary care provider
  • Relief of symptoms, e.g., vomiting, shortness of breath
  • Resources such as equipment needed to aid care at home
  • Assistance for families to come together to talk about sensitive issues
  • Links to other services, such as home help and financial support
  • Support for people to meet cultural preferences
  • Support for emotional, social and spiritual concerns
  • Links to counseling and grief support
  • Referrals to respite care services
  • Referrals to hospice services
Complex chronic care management is a family-centered model of care, meaning that family caregivers can receive practical and emotional support in addition to the patient.

What is the purpose of complex chronic care management?

Complex chronic care management is for adults over 18 diagnosed with a severe or chronic terminal illness. The management program at KCH assists adults with diseases such as cancer, kidney or lung disease, or dementia to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. Complex chronic care management will refer children and adolescents needing care to an appropriate pediatric palliative program.

Who is on the complex chronic care management team?

Your primary care provider, care coordinator or navigator, social worker or any other health care provider (such as a specialist, pharmacist, nutritionist or counselor) plays an essential role in your chronic/severe health condition. Our certified nurse practitioners collaborate with certified palliative specialists to support this team when symptoms become difficult to manage.